Sleeping in the cold? Why not?

We don’t usually pay much attention to the temperature in our bedroom unless we’re suffering extreme heat during the Summer season.

Sleeping in the cold? Why not?

But during the coldest days of the year, don’t you dream of getting back home from work, relax and slip into a warm bed? But did you know that sleeping in a cool environment is actually recommended all year round? Find out now what the ideal sleeping temperature is and why!

Improves sleep quality

According to a study conducted at Harvard Medical School [], our body temperature starts to drop when we need rest. This gradual physiological change requires about 60-90 minutes and induces a feeling of tiredness. But as we approach awakening, the temperature rises again.

In short, sleeping in a cool room means taking our body to its ideal temperature for rest in a faster way, strengthening that natural instinct for sleep and its repairing function.

It stimulates the production of melatonin

Dr. Christopher Winter of Charlottesville Neurology & Sleep Medicine explained that sleeping in a cool environment stimulates the release of melatonin, allowing us to reach a deeper and more restful sleep quickly.

The benefits you didn’t expect!

According to experts, the optimal temperature for your bedroom is between 15 and 19° C. But if the promise of a regenerating sleep isn’t enough to encourage you to sleep in a cool room, discover the further benefits!

1. It helps your metabolism

Metabolism is significantly influenced by low temperatures that stimulate the production of brown fat, or “good fat”. In turn, this fat allows our body to burn caloriescontrol the level of fat, and dispose of the excess of sugar present in the blood.

2. It reduces the risk of disease

The production of “good fat” which increases at lower temperatures, also strengthens insulin sensitivity, thus reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Furthermore, since melatonin is a powerful antioxidant hormone with the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, it has been shown to contribute to the prevention of Alzheimers and brain aging.

3. It improves your mood

Since a cooler room enhances sleep quality, you will surely feel well-rested and fit in the morning. Besides, low temperatures decrease the production of cortisol, the hormone associated with stress, anxiety, and depression.

4. It repairs your skin

Those who sleep less than 7 hours a night tend to have more fine lines and dark circles. This is why Dr. Guy Meadows, one of the leading sleep specialists in the United Kingdom, confirmed that “sleep is a time when the body heals, renews itself and frees the skin from toxins.”

In fact, melatonin is a powerful natural antioxidant and anti-age. This hormone produced by the pituitary gland is essential for cell regeneration, making your skin appear younger and more elastic.

3 tips for sleeping well during the winter

  • Choose the right clothing: even if you’re cold, resist the temptation of wearing heavy pajamas before hiding under several layers of blankets. High body temperature prevents us from resting deeply, making us feel “lazy” in the morning. Read our article to find the best pajamas for you!

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