Sleep stages: what to do (and not do) to promote the quality of our rest

The 4 stages of sleep that we go through each night have distinct functions.

Sleep stages: what to do (and not do) to promote the quality of our rest

However, the sleep cycle not only differs from person to person but also tends to change from night to night. But what are the factors that enhance these phases? And which, on the contrary, interfere? Here’s everything you need to know!

The 4 stages of sleep are not always the same

Indeed, during our night’s rest, we move through 4 essential phases for proper and complete energy recovery. Understanding the factors that influence them can help us optimize the quality of our sleep and wake up feeling more rested and energetic in the morning.

Sleep stages

Here’s what we should do (and not do) to promote sleep quality

Several factors can boost or interfere with our sleep stages, affecting its quality and, more importantly, its effectiveness.

1. No bad habits

An irregular lifestyle, such as going to bed late or waking up at varying times, can compromise the normal sleep cycle. And there’s more: it’s important to avoid unhealthy foods! Knowing which foods interfere with our nighttime well-being, such as spicy foods, sweets, and alcohol, can undoubtedly help us sleep soundly.

2. Sleep disorders

Various sleep disorders, such as insomnia, sleep apnea, and dysania, interfere with sleep stages. 

These disorders can disturb the quality of rest and reduce the time spent in the most regenerative stages. Talking about them with your trusted physician is essential for healthy sleep.

3. Bad sleep environments

Noise, light, and room temperature can make it difficult to achieve and maintain deep, restful sleep.

Let’s make sure the bedroom is well cleaned, dark, and quiet. Use blinds or blackout curtains to screen external light and discover the principles of Feng Shui to enhance restful sleep.

4. Pay attention to meals and digestion

A healthy, balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, taking vitamins such as vitamin D, and drinking water before bedtime can help regulate sleep-wake rhythms and provide the nutritional support needed for a good night’s rest. 

5. A steady routine, especially in the evening

Let’s try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even during the weekends or holidays. A good evening routine helps our body gradually lead us to a state of rest.

6. Digital detox

Let’s leave out of the bedroom what can disturb and interrupt our rest cycle, such as electronic devices. Digital detox is a recommended habit to rid ourselves of stress and fatigue given by always being online. In short, we should grant ourselves some quality wellness time!

Last step? Sleep on the right mattress!

Let’s keep the bedroom well organized, creating a relaxing and engaging sleep environment. Most importantly, let’s make sure we have a comfortable mattress and a proper pillow!

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