5 tips for fighting Social Jet Lag during the Christmas holidays!

It’s about time: Christmas is just around the corner, the gift shopping rush has begun and plans for celebrating the most wonderful time of the year have been defined.

5 tips for fighting Social Jet Lag during the Christmas holidays!

From late business dinners to the great New Year’s Eve Dinner, without forgetting the aperitifs and family meals, here are a few useful tips for getting through the festivities trying to rest wonderfully each night without falling asleep right in the middle of it all!

“Social Jet Lag”, when time zones change without getting on a plane!

We talk about Social Jet Lag when our sleep-wake cycle is gabled not by a different meridian, but by constantly modified routines.

This happens mainly during the holidays, also the Christmas festivities, when we get back home late at night, exaggerate with eating or when we set our alarm clock either earlier or later than usual!

In order not to compromise your wellness and not feel tired or sleepy during the holidays, try to stick to our 5 useful tips and get the best from a night’s sleep.

1. Disconnect at least half an hour before going to bed

The so-called “blue light” emitted by electronic devices alters our circadian rhythm: TV, smartphones, tablets and any other screen, has to be switched off well before bedtime so as to encourage sleep. If you believe that scrolling through your Instagram profile helps you relax and sleep better, you've got it wrong!

2. “Do not disturb”

Switch your phone off or set it in the “do not disturb” mode so you can be reached just in case of emergency, but don’t allow all the dozens of notifications to disturb you overnight!

3. Always wake up at the same time

It may sound like a bold move, but actually, sleeping in with the idea of recovering the lost hours from the previous evening won’t help you feel more rested: in fact, our internal clock fears changes in habits more than a shorter night of sleep.

4. Practice physical activity

Even if gyms are closed over the Christmas holidays, this doesn’t discharge you from practicing easy physical activity every day, like a simple 30-minute walk that will surely help you to feel better!

5. Avoid naps

Even if sometimes a “power-nap” is just what you need, during the holidays your rhythms are so puzzled that a nap during the day can make it even more difficult to fall asleep in the evening!

Rest well and celebrate big!

Take advantage of the holidays to recharge and face the new year greatly: choose a bed system that suits you and make sure you get healthy sleep 12 months a year!

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