The Ultimate Guide To Improve Your Sleep: 4th Week!

We are at the end of our journey through the world of the “Healthy Sleep”! Today we’ll show you the last 7 tips to improve your sleep!

The Ultimate Guide To Improve Your Sleep: 4th Week!

How were the first 3 weeks? Do you feel more relaxed and full of energy?

Week 4: One Tip a day “Keeps the Sleep Away”!

Learn more about the last 7 tips of this month, which was dedicated to a healthy and regenerating sleep!

1. Listen To Your Body

Listen To Your Body

Frequently, the problems and the ailments that prevent you from sleeping may be associated with a particular period of your life. For instance, menopause, pregnancies or period can create hormonal imbalances that can compromise women’s sleep.

2. Identify the Symptoms

Identify the Symptoms

If you have difficulties in breathing properly during the night, you could suffer from allergies. If you have headaches, you might need an oculist. Being able to identify the problem is never easy, for this reason you should listen to your body and recognize its signals.

3. Speak With Your Partner

Speak With Your Partner

Sharing your problems will help you to find the solution. Moreover, some sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, snoring and bruxism can go undetected for years if your partner doesn’t mention them to you!

4. Which Medicines Do You Take?

Which Medicines Do You Take? Some drugs can compromise your sleep, for this reason you should always read the information pamphlet or ask to your pharmacist.

5. Relax!


Yoga or some simple stretching exercises are an excellent aid against insomnia!

6. Television Out of the Bedroom!

Television Out of the Bedroom

We don’t need to say more: there should be not distractions in your bedroom.

7. Let the Nature Help You!

Let the Nature Help You

You can find many natural remedies and herbal teas that will help you to rest better: read our article 5 Relaxing Herbal Teas To Sleep Better, the Help From Nature!

Your journey ends here, but do not forget that if you want to live well it’s very important to always follow the good habits, 52 weeks a year!

Find out the mattresses retailer closest to you and learn more about the “Healthy Sleep”!

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