Sleepless nights are not all the same. Furthermore, the alteration of sleep is not always measured in terms of quantity but also quality.
This is why insomniacs can recognize themselves in 4 distinct categories. So let’s have a look together!
Onset insomnia
The most common form of insomnia is called “onset insomnia” or “initial insomnia”. It occurs when even though you feel tired, you just can’t fall asleep.
Those experiencing this type of insomnia either toss and turn in bed with the hope their eyes will close, or surrender between the pages of a book, look for a sweet consolation in the fridge or turn on the TV or computer until morning arrives.
Middle insomnia
This type of insomnia is frustrating because it initially deludes us that we can sleep peacefully. This type of insomnia belongs to those who manage to fall asleep quickly, but then, after a few hours, wake up and struggle to return to sleep, or tend to fall asleep but experience micro awakenings that cause a disrupted sleep pattern.
Terminal insomnia
Among insomniacs, some sleep peacefully throughout the first part of the night but then, for no real reason, wake up after only 4-5 hours of sleep waiting for the morning to arrive.
Even if offset insomnia appears less annoying than the previous ones, the missed hours of sleep inevitably lead to fatigue and decreased energy.
Subjective insomnia
Finally, among insomniacs, we find those who get an adequate time of sleep but still feel tired and poorly rested upon awakening. This type of insomnia is also called “paradoxidal insomnia” because those who suffer from it perceive poor sleep, although sleep is not altered.
Improve the quality of your rest with the right mattress!
Often insomnia is a transitory period that occurs because of life circumstances, while other times it may be caused by the wrong mattress. So what are you waiting for? Discover now the bed system that suits you best!