Saffron: an unexpected ally of healthy sleep

First grown in Greece, saffron is known for its abundant vitamins and minerals.  

Saffron: an unexpected ally of healthy sleep

From medicine to nutrition, this valuable spice has many uses and benefits. But did you know that it has also been proven beneficial to sleep quality?

Saffron: a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory!

Saffron is a valuable ally for good health thanks to its rich content of curcumin, a powerful antioxidant that soothes inflammation, including those of the respiratory system, such as coughs.

Saffron helps boost our immune defences, promote easier iron intake, and improve our memory thanks to its combination of carotenoids - contained particularly in the stigmas, or red “threads” in the center of the flower - and vitamin C.

Support for our metabolism

Saffron’s pigments enter circulation quickly and help rebalance the digestive system. In addition, vitamins B1 and B2 stimulate fat absorption and body weight regulation.

These actions make saffron an ideal ingredient to include in a healthy diet and active lifestyle.

Activates the feel-good hormone

The components of this spice affect our central nervous system by activating serotonin, also called the “good mood neurotransmitter”, thus implementing an anti-stress effect!

An ally against insomnia

The activation of serotonin and the calming effect, make saffron an excellent ally of nighttime rest.

In fact, a study published in PubMed demonstrates the efficacy of saffron extract as a natural and safe remedy for improving sleep quality, time spent in bed, and duration.

But how can we add saffron to our diet?  

Saffron can be taken either in powder or stigmas 

After melting the powder in warm water, you can add saffron to your dishes.

While, saffron stigmas can be prepared by infusion: heat a cup of water without bringing it to a boil and let about 20 stigmas steep for 20 minutes. After, cut them with a knife and continue stirring. Once dissolved in water, your brew is ready to be blended into your dishes!

Golden milk? Even with saffron: here’s the recipe!

The popular turmeric Golden Milk can also be prepared with saffron. Here’s how!  


  • 500 ml milk, either whole or vegetable
  • 1 packet of saffron powder or 0.1 g of saffron stigmas
  • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar (or to your preference)
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon (optional)


  • In a thick-bottomed pan or saucepan, pour the milk and add the saffron powder or stigmas
  • Lower the heat and bring the milk to 60/70° C. Be careful not to boil the milk or the saffron will lose most of its valuable qualities
  • Add the sugar, stir until completely dissolved, and add cinnamon if desired
  • Let it go on low heat for about 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the saffron milk becomes creamy and fragrant
  • Remove from the heat and pour the saffron milk into a cup or glass. If you use saffron stigmas, you can strain the milk to remove them
  • Serve the saffron milk hot or cold, as desired!

Treat yourself to an exceptional rest!

Thanks to saffron, we can take care of our bodies starting from the inside. But it’s important to continue building a healthy lifestyle on the outside, too, with the support of the right mattress and bed base. Discover our selection of handcrafted products made in Italy!

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